--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Judy, there's way too much to argue about with you and
> > that's why I didn't reply to your earlier posts, nor will
> > I reply to you anymore after this.  As you said last week,
> > you enjoy going at it "hammer and tongs".  I don't, and I
> > won't with you.  I argue by profession but, unlike yourself,
> > not for enjoyment.
> Or, seemingly, out of need. One has to wonder
> what well of self-unknowledge and fear that 
> behavior springs from.
> . . .
> > You are, and unfortunately so in my opinion, an endlessly 
> > disputatious individual.  You apparently thrive on 
> > disagreement and dissent. Furthermore, you are ungracious
> > and vindictive with anyone who doesn't agree with your
> > point of view.  It's an ugly trait.
> If I may point out the obvious, by my count
> Judy has made 40 posts in one day, ALL of them 
> fitting the description Marek suggests above. 
> ALL of them. Even after having been challenged 
> by me halfway through to provide an example 
> of an alternative style of posting, even one.

You know, the above two paragraphs are perfect
examples of what has been called here "the power
of myth," in terms of the personal stories one
tells oneself and how one's own stories may
differ from those of others, even when looking
at precisely the same data.

To start with, Yahoo's Message List "story" is
different from Barry's own with regard to the
number of posts I made yesterday. Yahoo thinks
I made 38, Barry thinks I made 40. (Yahoo's
Advanced Search thinks I made 24, but it's
apparently gone into the depressed phase of its
bipolar cycle, after having been on a nicely
even keel for some weeks.)

More importantly, Barry sees all "40" of my
posts yesterday as fitting Marek's description,
whereas when I look at them, less than half
even come close. Most were "disputatious" in
one sense or another, but some weren't even
that; and of the minority that one might
characterize as "ungracious and vindictive,"
about half were pretty mildly so. And of that
minority, almost all were in response to posts
that were themselves "ungracious and vindictive."

Even my post to Mark that provoked the rant
from him that Barry quotes was in no sense
vindictive, although it *was* ungracious in a
couple of spots.

I think what particularly stung Marek was when I
said at the end that I'd rather work for Obama,
if he's nominated, alongside my fellow Hillary
supporters than alongside Marek himself. The
extraordinary vindictiveness and ungraciousness
of many Obama supporters toward Hillary and her
supporters has made it extremely difficult for
the latter to feel cordial toward the former,
and the former's apparent assumption that of
course the latter would welcome a rapprochement
on *their* terms strikes the latter as being
so out of line as to boggle the mind.

And I'm sure Marek was not happy with my response
to his rant, which pointed out, among other things,
*his* ungracious and vindictive and remarkably
vicious attack on me based on his own wildly off-
base "story" concerning a metaphor I had used
regarding his hero Obama. (To his credit, he later

> In my "setup" post on Friday, I made the parallel
> between Judy and Brunhilde or any of the other
> Wagnerian heroines, suggesting that that's how
> she sees herself. As far as I can tell, she 
> actually sees herself and her tendency to try
> desperately to find something -- anything -- to
> demonize or attack in the people who disagree 
> with her as a *positive* thing.

Barry's "story" about my posts yesterday is even
easier to understand. I had, as I often do, called
him on his ignorance, in this case about Wagner,
the predominant theme of whose works is the
redemptive quality of self-sacrificing love--
*particularly* in the case of Brunnhilde.

(Needless, perhaps, to say, that isn't at all the
way I see myself. I'd put myself pretty squarely
in the middle of the spectrum between Brunnhilde's
self-sacrificing nobility and Barry's myth of me
as some kind of monstrous anger-driven demon.)

Anyway, Barry typically freaks out when I laugh
at him for having made one of his whopping
bloopers, so of course his "story" about my posts
reflects that unhinged state of mind.

The rest is just Barry's elaboration of the "story"
he tells about me in his mind; we've seen it here
many times before, so no need for me to comment.
Just a couple of quick observations:

> But you can also see the face in the photos
> she posted to Fairfield Life, and in them you can
> see what this addiction to anger has done to her.

Just in case anyone hasn't seen the photos Barry
refers to, here are the URLs:


Yup, an anger-addicted face, no question about
it. I mean, the laugh lines around the eyes
really give it away, right?


Note the title I gave the second one. ;-)

> > You won't be pleased with this response, I'm sure, but let me 
> > suggest that there's no need to insult me anymore or be further 
> > appalled by my intellectual dishonesty, or my dirtyness, or 
> > whatever you would prefer to call it. There'll be no need for 
> > further discussion between us.
> Bravo. It's the only sane thing you can DO with
> an anger addict. Arguing with them is what they
> WANT. The argument is the drug they're SEEKING,
> the one they NEED.

These paragraphs are the most remarkable of all.
Marek's "story" is that if he doesn't respond to
my posts, somehow it means I don't get to comment
on his.

And Barry's "story" is that nobody will see the
extreme anger in his denunciations of me if he
doesn't address them to me directly.

"The Power of Myth," indeed.

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