
Have you posted anything about what you think the swiftboaters are
going to do to Obama that will so besmirch him that he'd lose -- to of
all people -- McCain?  I'm not talking about anything new, just what
they'll do with what they've uncovered about Obama so far.

With 70 percent of America consistently in the polls wanting out of
Iraq -- NOW -- I'm wondering what you think the swiftboaters are going
to be able to do to get the masses to take the War off the front burner.

It seems you're saying that Americans are so racist (I'm nodding my
head here) that they'll kill another 4,000 G.I.'s and another million
Arabs rather than have a black man for president?

I totter that way, but I can't get to the tipping point.

I think the Iraq war has taken a bigass toll, and Obama is "white
enough," and the recession is definitely a case of the Mexican
invasion, the trillions spent on war, outsourced jobs, and the civil
rights abuses coming home to roost.

Obama also is someone smart enough to take an attack and make lemonade
out of it.  If they come at him for Wright's stuff again, he'll just
do the same thing and get all that free advertising on national TV again.

I'm agreeing that politics are dirty and that Obama's dirty too.  I
don't know if Hillary or Obama is more sinful in this regard, but with
 Hillary's "false baggage" that has been created by Fox Noise etc.,
I'm claiming victimhood and sincerely questioning if I can ever see
her truly -- if I ever did.  

The biggest bestest mostest nicest thing about her is her herness.  A
woman in the White House could snap the heads of states' heads around
in just such a way as to lessen what American men have done to our
nation's image and give the world some hope.  And a woman's insight,
pardon my sexism, is sooooo much deeper than a man's, that that would
be another chunk of new too.  Her election could certainly make the
world pause and rethink us over here.

But her old man let half a million be murdered by "Chinese hired
thugs" in Africa, and I just have the hardest time thinking that he
didn't tar her -- like himself -- with the same brush.  Silence during
that era condemns her -- YMMV.  Add to that all the lies told about
the Clintons that somehow got under my radar and wasn't noticed as
lies, and I'm just not getting anywhere near to liking Hillary.  It
would take me, say, 50 hours of reading HER promotional materials just
to balance me out.  Ain't gunna happen.

I think I'm going to have to vote for her if she gets the nom --
rather than Nader or whomever, but it's going to be hard.

So, I got sidetracked on Hillary there.  I'm mostly interested in your
predictions about Obama.  Do you think that racism is the only "big
hammer" they've got in store for him?  Barring a love child or an
ecstasy addiction surfacing, race seems to be the only card that can
be played against him by the haters.  His connections to BigOil etc.
are all too common to single out.

I'm listening.  I know you're out of posts here shortly, so if you
want to write to me offline -- great.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > I think this is the start of finish of it for Judy.  She's
> > done got herself so attached to this notion that Hilliary
> > has got, has just got, has absolutely got to win this
> > nomination, that it may "overshadow" everything else.
> I wish I thought she *could* win. What I'm angry about
> is that she's almost certainly not going to, and that
> this will almost certainly mean that McCain wins the
> general election.
> > Honey, we just got through 8 years 
> > with GWB, and you obsess about McCain?  Come on.
> You want another four, maybe eight, years of the same?
> And *I'm* supposed to "come on"??

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