Judy wrote:
> The third major issue will be Obama's lack of
> experience compared to McCain. That would also
> be a big issue if Hillary were the one running,
> but it'll be even more so with Obama. So in that
> regard, the war will be on the front-burner.
This will probably drive the liberals just insane:

The first black VP; the first female VP! If McCain 
picks Condi for his running mate, the election is 
over BEFORE the voting even begins. Condi and John
were right about the surge - most Americans believe
the U.S. can win in Iraq - they will vote for McCain
and Rice, I predict.

"Senor explained that Rice's history in public office 
would make her a prime candidate, especially in light 
of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Sen. 
John McCain's emphasis on experience throughout his 

Read more:

'Condoleezza Rice Is Pursuing the VP Spot'
ABC News, March 8, 2008

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