Nice words Merek

Marek Reavis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Comment below:


--- In, "Robert" wrote:


> Because we all know that Bill and Hill are certified liars, that they
> are OK, because we somehow idealize them for some unknown reason,
> besides she's a woman, hear me roar...


Robert, it's true that Bill Clinton is a "certified" liar, and that's 
unfortunate. He was disbarred from practising before the Supreme 
Court and disbarred from the practise of law for 5 years in his home 
state of Arkansas because he admitted to making misleading statements 
under oath. He made that admission for promises that he would not be 
subject to any further prosecution for perjury.

Although many people think that "liar" and "lawyer" are equivalents, 
in actuality honesty is taken very, very seriously in the law. As a 
lawyer, the only thing I have besides whatever intelligent argument I 
can muster, is my integrity and honesty. To be disbarred for 
dishonesty is really as bad as it can get for a lawyer.

It's not my opinion that Senator Clinton is a liar, but that's 
definitely the theme that's being promoted in much of the media and 
it's a fire that her and her campaign's own missteps have continually 
added fuel to. The Tuzla sniper story, the pregnant woman story, the 
Obama wasn't actually a law professor (when he actually was) mistake, 
the whole kitchen sink strategy against Obama's candidacy, and the 
very latest about how she was opposed to the Iraq war even before 
Obama was even though she wasn't ( ) -- 
these are all just the latest in a string of "mis-statements" 
and "lapses" and judgment flaws that dog her campaign. She has given 
those in the media who dislike her just that much more ammunition to 
use against her. That's unfortunate, but it's the way it is.

And this is just during the campaign for the nomination. If by chance 
she should claim the nomination, she would be excoriated by the GOP 
and the 527s far more viciously than anyone can imagine. Her 
senatorial campaigns and the flack that she drew from the GOP and the 
conservative right wing when she was First Lady would pale, or so I 
believe, against the onslaught that would be unleashed should she be 
the Democratic candidate.

None of that, however, would be a reason not to vote for her if she 
*were* the Democratic nominee. It is, on the other hand, one of a 
number of reasons not to vote for her if there is another and an 
arguably better candidate in the Democratic race. And there is, it's 
Barack Obama.

Obama is not pure teflon, that's for sure, but he's smooth, super 
smart, and far less tarnished than Hilary Clinton. I get good vibes 
from him, too, and don't believe that he's a liar, either, though I do 
remember that when the Terry Schiavo thing was finally over, I saw him 
on some Sunday morning political news show and, when asked why he had 
voted in favor of allowing the Schiavo case to be reviewed in Federal 
Court, he gave an answer that I considered disingenuous. 

He said that he hadn't been aware that the Schiavo case had already 
been so thoroughly reviewed in the state courts. That seems really 
unlikely and hard to believe on the face of it. I had been impressed 
with him before that and he dropped in my estimation after that. It 
wasn't until after the Iowa caucuses that I started to look on him 
more favorably. Before that I was very much in Hilary Clinton's camp.

Although the racism that exists in this country will be raised to an 
even higher profile if Obama is the Democratic candidate, McCain will 
have to spend at least some of his time distancing himself from the 
more overt appeals to racism that get raised on the periphery of his 
campaign. He's honorable enough not to go down that road himself, and 
the need to show that he's not appealing to racism will force him to 
further piss off that demographic that might otherwise vote for him. 

I know that I'm speaking to the choir here, but as much as Clinton 
gets put down, I think it's important to put her position, as well as 
Obama's, in perspective.



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