--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
> Robert, it's true that Bill Clinton is a "certified" liar,
> and that's unfortunate.  He was disbarred from practising
> before the Supreme Court and disbarred from the practise
> of law for 5 years in his home state of Arkansas because
> he admitted to making misleading statements under oath.

Not surprisingly, Marek doesn't mention what
those misleading statements were *about*: whether
Clinton had been having a sexual dalliance with an
intern--obviously an issue of extreme and urgent
importance to the nation.

Nor does Marek mention the *context* of those
misleading statements: a deposition in a sexual-
harassment suit for actions that allegedly took 
place years before he became president, brought
by right-wingers intent on bringing him down, for
the express purpose of embarrassing him and,
hopefully, catching him in a perjury trap
concerning his relationship with said intern.

As we know, the right-wingers successful,
except when it came to impeaching him for those
dreadful misleading statements on which hung the
very welfare of the country.

They did impeach him, but the Senate had the
good sense not to give them the conviction they
longed for, despite their best efforts.

And the sexual-harassment lawsuit was dismissed
before the trial for failure to demonstrate
damages. The plaintiff, a pathetic tool of the
right wing, reaped $850,000 from Clinton in a
settlement he agreed to while her appeal of the
dismissal was still in process.

He should, of course, have told the truth, even
knowing it might mean the end of his marriage. He
should not, of course, ever have dallied with the
intern and put himself in that position--if only
because he knew the right-wing was out to get him,
and he should have resolved to keep it in his pants
for the eight years he was in the White House and
not give them the chance they craved to do him in.

What's remarkable is that he not only survived,
but did so with approval ratings throughout the
scandal and impeachment that are among the highest
any president has ever received on a sustained
basis. And his approval ratings have remained
high ever since, here and abroad, until the Obama
campaign began its own insidious attempts to 
bring him and Hillary down by painting them as
pandering to racists--a plan that comes damn
close in terms of cynicism and viciousness to that
of the right-wingers a decade previously.

I'm not going to devote a separate post to the
vicious and astonishingly dishonest post from
HuffingtonPost.com that Marek put up for our

But the utter obliviousness of this sentence to
any semblance of reality or fairness simply takes
the breath away:

"And as the race continues to the bitterest end,
I hope that Senator Clinton's many supporters are
entirely satisfied that she did this to herself."

Clinton's supporters, of course, know to the
contrary. It will be a very long time before we
can bring ourselves to forgive those who are
actually responsible.

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