--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"
> > Some research showed Introverts to be wired differently. Thinner
> > longer, more connected circuits. Slower, but deeper. Extroverts with
> > fat but short pipes. Quicker but shallower.
> > 
> > If in an accident and sent to the ER,  would like to have extrovert
> > triage doctors at the door, and introverted doctors doing my 
> surgery.
> > 
> > Extroverts are more fun to hang with for the first half hour. Yuk it
> > up, fast paced convos. But Introverts are much more interesting to 
> me,
> > if one is spending more than an hour with them.
> >
> I think I've varied quite a lot over the years on the 
> extravert/intravert front, I wonder how that would work if
> it's hard wired. Perhaps by me not changing as much as I think
> I do. The background emotional "noise" in life makes a difference, 
> plus the residue of nurture would skew results at different times
> depending on how we are dealing with things in the present. When
> times are good I'd be more outgoing but in stressful times not so
> much.

Yes, being in balanc out out of balnce I think is an important factor.

> How I would have scored years ago? Never know now, ah well.
> On a similar track, I did a lot of experimenting with ayurveda
> when I first got to hear of it. I'd spend two months on a vatta 
> reducing diet and then another two on Pitta and then Kapha.
> Quite surprising how much of a difference it made to how I felt,
> much clearer head when I'm not kaphad up. And a nervous wreck and 
> prone to bad decision making with too much vatta. Would be
> interesting to do the Meyers-Briggs after each of those experiments,
> I should get in touch with Orme-Johnson see if I can get funding.

Or ask Howard Settle. Maybe Extroverts jump higher.

> Makes me wonder also if the TMO ever looked at how TM affects the
> M-B. Or any other meditation group. I'm sure Vaj or Lawson could
> let us know.

Different mantras for different types. 

And add jyotish and AV types to BM. ha.

"Uh, like i am a male Pitta Kapha INTP with Jupiter ascendant,Moon in
5th, Saturn in 6th .... in a Venus/Rahu Dasha." Damn talk about
statistically one in a billion. Everyone is pretty unique when you
combine systems.

And what about Briggs Meyer or AV profiling. At airports and by cops.
Or voting blocks.  "Obama gave a speech today focussed on the INTP

Or segregated classrooms. And Jails. And Religions. INTPs here, ERFJ's
over there.

And dating. Actually, I cruised thru and BM dating site. Kind of
interesting. Their profiles camd alive when you knew their type. 

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