I wasn't dogging you out for living with an artistic sense of how
these words relate to your life as a theme. I can understand that. I
am not skeptical about the way you are relating to these words. They
are poetic words and contemplating them in the context of your life
could be useful in lots of ways.  The way you seem to be relating to
them doesn't require any proof since you are not expressing them in a
falsifiable way.  It seems to me like a creative muse for you. I've
got plenty of my own versions of that in my creative life.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ispiritkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I'd say expansion was the theme of the year.  The theme for the 
> year before that had been "clarity".  I had sensed that one before the 
> year started also.  And, yes, there was a lot of clarity for the year.
> Of course there's a loading effect.  I sense a green theme, and then I 
> see pebbles along the road that are green, so I pick them up and put 
> them in my pocket.  Were there other colors of pebbles?  Yes.  Were 
> there more blue pebbles than green?  I don't know.  
> When I described events of the year as they happened, the summary words 
> ended up relating to clarity, and it wasn't because I walked around 
> chanting, "this year is about clarity".  I thought about the forecast  
> at beginning the year, then let it go.  It was the first time I'd 
> sensed a forecast like that, so I didn't think much of it.  At the end 
> of the year, I noticed that, yeah, my forecast had been accurate.  So 
> when I had the next intuition about expansion, I was excited about it.  
> The expansion feeling has been subtle.  If not for the forecast, I may 
> not have characterized it like that.  But there was definitely an 
> expansive feeling.  That was the year when, in light of the forecast, I 
> explored TM and marjuana as options to support expansion.  I ended up 
> not going there, but expansion continued anyway. 
> I used to be so skeptical of anything like what I describe above that I 
> instantly dismissed it all.  But then I had an extreme life crisis.  
> After analyzing the build-up to the crisis, I found that if I had given 
> more attention to my subtle perceptions, I would have had a much better 
> grasp of reality.  As it was, I'd been in a fog of unreality, all the 
> while thinking that I was so clear because I never gave heed to what 
> couldn't be scientifically dissected and identified.
> It was a major life lesson to give some attention to things that can't 
> be proved to other people.  At the same time, it's also important to 
> keep checking back on my perceptions to see how valid they seem in 
> varying lights and shadows.
> --- "curtisdeltablues" wrote:
> >
> > "the coming year will be about > expansion". 
> > 
> > But doesn't this type of language kind of load 
> > the deck?  I mean what year of anyones life 
> > doesn't include such a generalized value?
> > 
> > So much of what I had seen from divination arts 
> > are in the language used and the willingness of 
> > the person the descriptions are about to
> > come up with specific examples.  Both sides so 
> > eager to prove the system right even while the 
> > client sometimes feigns skepticism...
> > 
> > And guess what will happen next year, you will 
> > also experience contractions!

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