--- Bhairitu wrote:
> I actually started out doing astrology reading 
> via intuition which I still do today.  <snip>
> I learned the rules of astrology so I could 
> explain in those terms what 
> was happening.

This is exactly what I have found so far to be THE most useful and fun 
application of astrology.  

Astro charts are fun to look at and I have collected a mass of 
interesting facts about astrology.  What I like most is when I have an 
intuition about something, say, "the coming year will be about 
expansion".  Then I looked on my chart to find "expansion" there 
somewhere.  I didn't, and that was disappointing.  The year actually 
WAS about expansion but at that time I couldn't find any astrological 

My point is it would have been fun to find a symbol to slap onto that 
experience.  Or not.  Symbols can also limit one's awareness and 
receptivity to the limits of the symbol's meaning, so other meanings or 
signals might be missed.  

Another place I like to use these symbols is to decorate my impression 
of a personality as I am getting to know someone.  It's like dropping 
pebbles along a path so I can remember the insights I've had about that 

P.S.  Aha!  It's as I suspected-- Saturn is my planet of expansion, not 
Jupiter.  I just looked back to that year of expansion to see if Saturn 
had anything to do with it.  Sittin' right there in living color.  

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