Chakras? hummm, I wonder where he got that idea? Do you think MMY has
some 'secret teachings' stashed somewhere? Good grief, the next thing
you're gonna hear is 'kundalini'...yikes!

--- In, "dhamiltony2k5"
>  "We're going to talk about parallel reality. When I've talked to you 
> in the past about dimensions, we've said here's one dimension and 
> here's another dimension, and they're living side by side with one 
> another. But there's also a fabric of consciousness that bleeds back 
> and forth from one dimension to the other. They're not just standing 
> there like soldiers unrelated to each other. There's a gate or fabric 
> of consciousness that's flowing into one, flowing back to the other, 
> flowing here and there. 
> On a practical level, the point at which something splits off, a 
> choice point at which one dimension goes this way and one dimension 
> goes that way, where we are in the world right now we're coming to a 
> major choice point. 
>  with possibility going this way and one possibility going that way 
> and one possibility going another way, you really get the feeling of 
> how you can have a fountainhead and things can sprout out of that and 
> each possible parallel reality has an interrelationship with the 
> other ones and they're in a flow together. 
> When you have choice points that are very close like this, there's 
> such a small gap between these three people, essentially what's 
> happening is that the dimensions are closing in on one another. 
> They're collapsing. Whereas before perhaps our experience was that 
> the dimensions were very discrete, so you had a big gap. Now the gap 
> is closing and it's a very small gap. That's why there's a feeling 
> that the depth of difference between these three possibilities 
> actually isn't that big.
> A dimension is kind of like a membrane. That's why when we work with 
> the chakras, they're such a good example of what a dimension feels 
> like because you can feel these subtle membranes in the chakras 
> moving back and forth. A dimension is like that. It has a certain 
> edge to it, a circumference, and that circumference is very fine. You 
> can move from one edge of that circumference to the next edge and a 
> whole other possible reality opens up.
> Normally, we are protected from experiencing a parallel reality in 
> any clear way because we're locked into a framework of our dimension. 
> We can only experience what is right here. We don't have the capacity 
> to see outside that bubble. We're kind of locked away in that bubble. 
> There are a lot of good reasons for that. For one thing, it keeps you 
> focused. It keeps you connected to what's going on so you don't bleed 
> out into some other possibility. But as time and consciousness are 
> moving in the way that they are right now, the possibility of 
> perceiving parallel connectivity is much more pronounced, so you can 
> have the capacity to move out into this other level of awareness and 
> still maintain your own."

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