Vaj wrote:
> On May 2, 2008, at 10:23 AM, Peter wrote:
>> Why are you posting these "notes"? Everything I've
>> read is just newage boilerplate. No big deal. This is
>> not news or some radical understanding. What impact
>> would any of this have on any ru meditating more than
>> 30-40 years? Most of these ideas are self-evident. Who
>> is assuming the "guru" role in expressing these ideas?
>> Who is assuming the passive, dependent chela role?
> Actually he may be doing a service in bringing to light the spiritual 
> decrepitude and childish new age / neoadvaita shlock that seems to be 
> the typical spew of Fairfield satsang groups (although certainly not 
> limited to FF!).
> It's great to have this stuff documented.
And it says that Fairfielders are still seekers.  IOW, they haven't 
"found" yet, not even with TM.  :)

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