Richard J. Williams wrote:
> m2smart wrote:
>> I thought the gas tax just went for roads
> Maybe so, but who says that the federal 
> government should be paying for your highway 
> maintenance anyway? Why not turn all our 
> highways over to private enterprise and 
> charge people a toll for using them? 
Bad idea.  Highways used by the public should be kept in the commons.  
This privatization of stuff that should be in the commons is dangerous.  
Are we to return to the feudal times where we are supposed to kiss the 
asses of lord so and so?  I have  a better idea of what we should do to 
the rich.
> Most of the pundits who make fun of the 
> 'tax-free gasoline holiday' idea could 
> probably walk to their jobs in Washnington 
> D.C.
> I'd vote for someone who would lower my 
> taxes and cut out all the pork-barrel 
> projects, wouldn't you? There must be 
> hundreds of billions of dollars spent 
> by the federal government on pork projects. 
You and Grover Norquist want to starve government anyway.  Sure, we 
could cut the federal government back to something that just aids in 
maintaining trade between states and maintaining a military to protect 
the country but not for interests of the military industrial robber 
barons who want to make money off raiding other sovereign nations.

Why not raise the taxes on the rich and lower yours?
> Why can't the politicians show some sympathy 
> for the little guys, even if the idea doesn't 
> work out to be much of a savings?
Your ideas certainly wouldn't help.  Suppose your relative has been hurt 
in an accident and you don't have the dough to travel the toll road?  
How's that idea then?  Lame I would say.
> All we have to do to bring down gasoline 
> prices is to do more drilling and ramp 
> up the supply.
And pollute more.  Maybe we need "truckways" instead to get those 
oversided behemoths out of the way of harm to the soccer moms so they no 
longer need big gas hog SUVs to protect themselves even though they're 
too dumb to understand that that it will do them little good in a 
collision with a semi.

We need all kinds of solutions but they won't happen as long as the 
robber barons are in control because they want stuff to work where they 
maintain their power and control.  Just get rid of the robber barons 
then.  They're just a pain in the ass anyway.

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