Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Not all roads should be toll roads, but it's
> obvious the federal government can't maintain
> most of the ones we have today. All we need are
> two main toll roads, one going east-west and 
> one going north-south. 
They sure could if they weren't wasting money over in Iraq.  All 
interstate highways and bridges could have been rebuilt by now with the 
money they've wasted there.  It would have provided jobs for lots of 
people too.
>> Are we to return to the feudal times where 
>> we are supposed to kiss the asses of lord so 
>> and so?  
> You could always take the back road - we don't
> need single occupant vehicles clogging up the
> super-highways for hours at a time.
How's that?  I work at home.  The only thing I'm wearing out is the 
carpet between my home office and the rest of the house.  You can get 
rid of a lot of single occupant vehicles at rush hour if you have more 
people work at home.
> Why not get rid of all taxes? Why should I be
> paying for your health care? I don't even know
> you.
You're going to have to finance the government some way.  Taxes are okay 
but they could be a lot lower and we need to watch that they just don't 
go into the pockets of the rich which is what is mostly happening now.

You're not paying for my health care.  I have my own health insurance.  
Overpriced I might add as single payer would be better and cheaper.  For 
both you and me.
>>> Why can't the politicians show some sympathy 
>>> for the little guys, even if the idea doesn't 
>>> work out to be much of a savings?
>> Your ideas certainly wouldn't help.
> Maybe not, but it would sure make the politicians
> look good to have a little heart. Why on earth
> Obama would oppose a small break for the poor is
> beyond me. It doesn't make any sense - in fact it
> looks downright elitist for Obama to be against 
> a little gas-holiday tax break. Give us a break!
And Obama is the only one of the three candidates that oppose a small 
break for the poor (maybe prefers a big break)?   It's all campaign talk 
anyway.  We don't know what they're actually going to do until they get 
into office and after the "come to Jesus" talk the oligarchs give them.
>> Suppose your relative has been hurt in an 
>> accident and you don't have the dough to travel 
>> the toll road? 
> Don't be silly, Barry - modern toll roads will
> send you the bill to pay later.
They don't have tool booths?  Most I've seen had tool booths just like 
the ones we have on the bridges around here (for $4-5 a trip).
>>> All we have to do to bring down gasoline 
>>> prices is to do more drilling and ramp 
>>> up the supply.
>> We need all kinds of solutions but they won't 
>> happen as long as the robber barons are in 
>> control because they want stuff to work where 
>> they maintain their power and control.
> That's just crazy liberal talk. A gas tax holiday
> will  raise oil-company profits even higher, 
> which might give them incentive to go discover 
> more oil. More oil means lower prices.
That's crazy Rush Lameball talk.  Higher oil company profits assure more 
vacation hideaways, private jets and yachts for the robber barons of the 
oil industry not lower oil prices.
>> Just get rid of the robber barons then. They're 
>> just a pain in the ass anyway.
> I'll tell you who is a pain in the ass, the 
> liberals who dreamed up ethanol, a solution that
> actually is causing starvation and food shortages.
Who exactly were these liberals?  Please point them out to us, Rush2.
> All we have to do is drill for more oil and build
> more refineries - price of gasoline will go down. 
Why not get off the oil addiction instead?

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