Try the warm Ghee eye bath for 3 days, twice a day, when you are on 
holiday, and not driving or doing much.


--- In, freeradicalfederation 
> My data shows that TM and the TM-Sidhis program can significantly 
> intraocular pressure (IOP). Elevated IOP is the most significant 
> factor for glaucoma, one of the leading treatable causes of 
> worldwide. (TM doesn't appear to raise IOP for everyone. However, I
> think we need to understand who is at risk for this side effect.)
> I have shared my findings with a couple of the movement's 
> (now former researchers) and with physicians who are familiar with 
> practitioners of) TM. So far I have not received any interest in 
> to understanding these findings in more detail.
> Over the last several years I have continued to collect data. For
> certain people there is no doubt in my mind that TM significantly 
> intraocular pressure. Given that this is such a dangerous risk 
> for glaucoma, I would like to understand the physiological mechanism
> behind this IOP increase.
> Does anyone feel like speculating or offering suggestions that may 
> me some ideas to follow up on? The physiological parameters I have
> monitored so far haven't given me many clues as to the mechanism.
> However, I have not monitored changes in blood flow in the areas 
> the eyes. We have limited physiological monitoring equipment for 
EEG and
> no fMRI. However, we have extensive and very advanced equipment for
> monitoring IOP and we have good equipment for ECG, GSR, etc.
> To demonstrate the magnitude of IOP change, here is one example of 
> data (in HTML table format):
> LEFT EYE                                 RIGHT EYE
> Just after waking up:
> 14
> 12
> 13
> 16
> 14
> 14
> Immediately after meditating:
> 19
> 17
> 17
> 28
> 28
> 30
> As you can see, each measurement was repeated 3 times in each eye 
> and also after meditation. The meditation values were recorded 
after the
> full recommended rest period following a full TM-Sidhis program. No
> other activities were performed during this time period. We have 
> checked IOP after doing just 20 minutes of TM followed by 3 minutes 
> rest without laying down, and found elevated IOP then as well.
> The elevated IOP can persist for a few hours or more. However, 
> someone were to meditate immediately before having their IOP 
checked in
> an ophthalmologist's office, they would probably not know that TM 
> elevating their IOP. There are no symptoms of elevated IOP in most
> cases.
> In this regard, TM is very similar to performing headstands. The 
> show that some people have developed vision damage from headstands.
> Ophthalmologists will now often ask patients if they perform 
> but before the risk of headstands was understood, many people 
> vision loss that could have been prevented. Again, this does not 
> everyone that does headstands and my guess is that it doesn't affect
> everyone that does TM. However, we need to understand more about 
who is
> at risk from elevated IOP as a result of TM.
> I appreciate any feedback and/or suggestions. (And I hope the HTML 
> format is readable. Most of this text is cut/pasted from an email.)

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