> > > > So following this weather based theology we 
> > > > can assume that God absolutely hates China 
> > > > and dropped a huge earthquake on it's ass 
> > > > and despises Burma and sent them a nasty 
> > > > cyclone?
> > > 
> > > Absolutely. He wasn't too keen on New Orleans, either. 
> > > Except for the French Quarter. He spared that because
> > > secretly God is a breast man. Has been since Eden. You
> > > will notice that He gave Eve only one fig leaf, right?
> > > I rest my case. Anyway, God's got this thing for boobs,
> > > and He really likes watching the whole bead thing during 
> > > Mardi Gras, so the French Quarter got a free pass.
> > >
Turq wrote:
> Hilarious.
So, you ARE making fun of the poor Burmese and the poor
residents of New Orleans. But that still doesn't explain 
why you're using the 'circle jerk' on us, Barry. 

Why is that?

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