Of course she hasn't been sitting on the sidelines waiting for this.... she has 
gone above 
and beyond in her own efforts to win the nomination.....but this statement 
reveals so 
much - and it isn't acceptable.   She has talked herself out of any chance as 
VP - so much 
for the theory that she shouldn't gracefully exit the campaign.  If she had 
gracefully exited 
a month ago, she might have been offered the VP slot.

I regularly listen to Rush.  I trust him to always advocate for Republicans.  
His 'Operation 
Chaos'  is designed to improve Republican chances in November.  His support and 
encouragement to Hillary is running at full speed, with even more enthusiasm 
now than 
when Rush and many Republicans had a real effect on the Democratic primary 
when they  patronizingly voted for Hillary to delay Obama's march to the 
nomination.    In 
my view, Rush and the GOP want Hillary as McCain's opponent, to make McCain's 
path to 
the White House easier. 

Hillary had incredible 'name recognition' leading into 2008. When the public 
got to know 
her, they decided on Obama, instead.  Since the Iowa results, Hillary has been 
trying to 
plug the leaks in the levee that preserved her 'name recognition' advantage.  
since then as about preserving that name recognition advantage.  It is she that 
close the deal. She had  over-confidence of the inevitability of her 
Presidency.  As defeat 
looms, she now greatly over-plays her hand and is squandering ever last bit of 
reserves of name recognition.   

What we are seeing is the extended downward decline of Hillary, Bill, the 
Bushes, and the 
GOP.  Hillary is not displaying courage, determination, and character with her 
campaign.  Rather, we are seeing the extremes of arrogance, presumed 
entitlement, and 
unbridled ambition.  Thank you, Hillary, for offering to reveal for us that 
which many were 
reluctant to ponder about you.  You've made it much easier for the country to 
avoid the 
mistake of having you serve as either POTUS, or V-Potus.

Barack Obama will be the next President.  It is not even June, and the 
opposition in both 
parties have resorted to scenarios that require his assassination to defeat 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <ltm457@> wrote:
> >
> > May 23rd, 2008
> >   Hillary Clinton Evokes Bobby Kennedy's Assassination to Claim That  
> She Should Stay In The Race
> What a horrible comment. Is she truly sitting on the sideline preparing 
> for  the off chance that the presumptive nominee where to be 
> assassinated? Amazingly  callous and insensitive. She has leaped off 
> the side of what was already a  slippery slopeĀ…
> Deranged.

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