--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are saying that the only reason it "appears" that
> you are making mistakes is that the unenlightened are
> not able to perceive the perfection of your actions.
> Is that correct?
> OK. It's a belief system, and I guess you are entitled
> to it. It seems to me a fairly self-serving, solipsist 
> belief system closer to madness than enlightenment, 
> but you seem to like it.
> But could you do me one favor, just in the interest
> of clearing up this unenlightened soul's confusion?
> Please explain to me a statement you made some time
> ago that appeared to me, from my unenlightened per-
> spective, to be a mistake. You said, quite clearly,
> and even repeated the statement in subsequent posts,
> that Buddha had said, "God is love."

Try this: The "perfection" was in saying Buddha
had said "God is love" and getting you all freaked
out about the factual error.

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