--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m2smart4u2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amazing to me that people blame someone else when they lack moral 
> character. "It must be the "movement's" fault that I didn't keep my 
> promise. Somehow this justifies my lack of ethics." It's a broad 
> excuse to justify anything and everything. Just look at what you 
> wrote, "I don't believe that the TMO should get away scot-free", so 
> therefore YOU are going to be the one chosen to deliver whatever you 
> deem fair recompense for (again broad undescribable term)the TMO. 
> Anything goes right? Maybe there could be some level of honor and 
> still maintain a discussion without lowering yourself to breaking of 
> legal contracts that you signed.

Ok, time to call bullshit.

There is one and *only* one reason for the
"secrecy agreements" that you and anyone else
here had to sign -- protection of corporate
secrets and profit. 

"Protecting the purity of the teaching" has
nothing to do with it. Some of my advanced
techniques were taught to me directly by
Maharishi in a grand total of 30 seconds --
no puja, no nothing...just pay your money
(the important part, from his POV), stand
in line, and have him whisper a word that
*he* stole from "open source" religion into
your ear.

Maharishi neither invented any of this nor
deserves sole credit or sole profits from it.
He took "open source" spiritual software and
threw a trademark on it for Westerners who
were too clueless to realize that it was open
source software. And then he tried to bully
those who had paid for the stuff he got for
free and resold for a profit into keeping
quiet about the nature of what they'd paid

And bullying it was, and is. "Legal contract"
my ass. Whatever the contract, it's not legal 
unless you get a copy of it. Do you have your
copy? Right. Neither do I. Neither does anyone
else. The "contract" was and still is a quasi-
legal bluff. Towards the end of my time in the
TMO, no one could even *find* the worthless
pieces of paper signed by millions of TMers;
they had been placed in boxes in some storage
facility somewhere, and literally *no one* in
the U.S. National movement at that time could 
remember or figure out where they were. They
dropped several potential trademark infringe-
ment lawsuits for exactly this reason.

So don't pull this attempted guilt trip on US,
asshole. We had enough of it from Maharishi
himself, for far too many years, and we're not
about to stand for it from some putz who still
wants to play "I'm more moral than you" games.

Some of us *like* being whistleblowers. We are
*proud* to stand up and tell it like it really
was, so that it isn't able to *continue* being
what it was. If you want to hold on to your
cherished illusions of what it was, so be it.
But don't you *dare* come roaring in here trying
to make people who now value truth over falsity
feel bad about doing so.

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