Looks to me as if for the next 12 days we have a
chance to find out.

Judy, in a fit of being (dare I say it?) REEEEEAL
REEEEEAL STOOOOOOOOPID, has bounced herself off 
the forum next week. Lawson is probably still out
next week as well. Shemp has been reserved in his
posts and has contributed some interesting and
valuable insights, so he hasn't been an issue in
recent days. Everybody already ignores most of 
what Nabby and Willytex and Off say anyway. And 
Jim? Well, he's already established in the past 
that the enlightened can't count as high as 50, 
and if he keeps up his gay-baiting campaign, 
he'll be out next week as well.

So who does that leave? Well, it leaves folks who
occasionally complain (and with some justification)
that FFL is too confrontational and argumentative
and in-your-face for them to participate in fully,
or comfortably.

Now's your chance, you lurkers. Go for it. If there
are subjects you've always wanted to introduce but
were afraid to because you knew they'd be turned
into arguments within two replies, now's your oppor-
tunity to give voice (or the sound of keyboard
clicking) to them. Those who are already civil and
restrained, like Curtis and Hugo and Marek and
Ruth and Rick, will probably continue to respond 
the same way. Even inveterate assholes like myself
might decide to lay low for this blessed period of
time and allow this spiritual forum to actually be
spiritual for a while. Might. I'm not promising
anything, but I'll try.

So what's out there to discuss that could be better
discussed without someone trying their best to turn
the discussions into arguments?

And what's out there that doesn't *deserve* to be
discussed that much during these next 12 days? Like
has-been Hillary Clinton, or the other subjects 
that people have used to pull Judy's puppet strings
and make her Just Go Away? Well, she's away. There
is no *need* to post things for her to compulsively
react to for the next 12 days. There is no need to 
mention her or her name or any of the others' names 
as well. We could give pulling their strings as much 
of a rest as their absence will give us.

Or, it could be "business as usual." Your call.

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