As a member of the 'lurkers', I took your warm invitation and posted. 
I'd hoped for discussion (got a bit of sarcasm instead). Perhaps FFL 
could be moderated a bit more closely. Discussion would be good. Most 
know good discussion when the're in it.

Thanks for the offer. I'll see how it goes.

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looks to me as if for the next 12 days we have a
> chance to find out.
> Judy, in a fit of being (dare I say it?) REEEEEAL
> REEEEEAL STOOOOOOOOPID, has bounced herself off 
> the forum next week. Lawson is probably still out
> next week as well. Shemp has been reserved in his
> posts and has contributed some interesting and
> valuable insights, so he hasn't been an issue in
> recent days. Everybody already ignores most of 
> what Nabby and Willytex and Off say anyway. And 
> Jim? Well, he's already established in the past 
> that the enlightened can't count as high as 50, 
> and if he keeps up his gay-baiting campaign, 
> he'll be out next week as well.
> So who does that leave? Well, it leaves folks who
> occasionally complain (and with some justification)
> that FFL is too confrontational and argumentative
> and in-your-face for them to participate in fully,
> or comfortably.
> Now's your chance, you lurkers. Go for it. If there
> are subjects you've always wanted to introduce but
> were afraid to because you knew they'd be turned
> into arguments within two replies, now's your oppor-
> tunity to give voice (or the sound of keyboard
> clicking) to them. Those who are already civil and
> restrained, like Curtis and Hugo and Marek and
> Ruth and Rick, will probably continue to respond 
> the same way. Even inveterate assholes like myself
> might decide to lay low for this blessed period of
> time and allow this spiritual forum to actually be
> spiritual for a while. Might. I'm not promising
> anything, but I'll try.
> So what's out there to discuss that could be better
> discussed without someone trying their best to turn
> the discussions into arguments?
> And what's out there that doesn't *deserve* to be
> discussed that much during these next 12 days? Like
> has-been Hillary Clinton, or the other subjects 
> that people have used to pull Judy's puppet strings
> and make her Just Go Away? Well, she's away. There
> is no *need* to post things for her to compulsively
> react to for the next 12 days. There is no need to 
> mention her or her name or any of the others' names 
> as well. We could give pulling their strings as much 
> of a rest as their absence will give us.
> Or, it could be "business as usual." Your call.

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