> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity <no_reply@> 
> >
> > Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  
> > 
> > Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 
This is exactly the warning that the sutras warn about:
It is not important for anyone to be able to accomplish any 
particular siddhi. Enlightenment is the goal, not certain 'powers'.
Concentrating on powers is not the teaching.
The siddhi's are just potentials of a person who is operating at a 
different level of self aware enlightenment.
There are many enlightened people who do not levitate.
I am really not sure why Maharishi put so much emphasis on 
levitation, myself.
The goal is enlightenment, not levitation.
Besides, I have heard of someone who was actually levitating and was 
asked to leave the dome, because it was too disruptive to others.
Also, Maharishi never wanted to demonstrate the ability to levitate 
himself, when asked.
It is a powerful technique, but I believe requires a certain kind of 
person to accomplish this for real, and also that the air would have 
to be rarefied enough, as on the top of a mountain somewhere.
You need to remember that Iowa is not on top of a mountain, but is a 
place of the mundane, and it is ironic in itself, that this large 
group ended up in the middle of a  corn field in Iowa..

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