Bob, the same guy who brought you the "capture the fort" analogy 
also brought you the siddhis, The Natural Law Party, Ayur Ved, 
Stapatya Ved. He owned it figuratively and literally.  I would say 
in this case the brand extension didn't work. 

--- In, "R.G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---  (snip)
> > 
> > Where is there a *warning* against performing teh siddhis in 
> (Snip)
> I was thinking that when Maharishi used the 'Capture the Fort' 
> he was speaking of this.
> That there are many powers that one could concentrate and forget 
> goal...
> Enlightenment.
> So, in many ways, the siddis techniques which go have the effect 
> are saying...
> In many ways, one could be confused, in that 'are we here to 
> to prove something to somebod...
>  or
> Are we here to transcend, and become enlightened?

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