--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just LOVE this announcement. I think it should
> be printed up on glossy gold paper with a photo
> of Maharishi and all the Rajas (in costume, of
> course) at the top and passed out at all TM intro-
> ductory lectures wherever they are given around
> the world, along with the "scientific" charts. 
> For most people (that is, those who are seeking to
> learn a simple technique of meditation and not to
> join a cult), this would present the true picture
> of what they are signing up for if they learn TM.
> This is how the people who run the TMO *really*
> think and act, what they *really* think of
> not only women, but men, too, and what the organ-
> ization is really like if they get any further
> into it than learning to meditate. 
> IMO there couldn't possibly BE a more cult-like
> document. This is the face of the TM movement that
> it tries to hide from the public. Celebrating Hindu
> gods by making offerings to them (there is no pre-
> tending that this is part of a ceremony that is
> merely a traditional way that the TM technique is
> taught here), needing "dome badges" to enter (a
> form of elitism and paranoid security and obvious 
> "some are better than others" hierarchy), misogyny 
> out the yin-yang, rules of behavior and dress out 
> the yin-yang, worship of the dead as if they aren't 
> dead (the "presentation of achievements to Guru Dev"), 
> and above all, *unquestioning* belief that anything
> called "Vedic" is good.
> This post should be archived and referred to any 
> time in the future when some TM TB here claims that
> the TMO is not a Hindu cult. This "celebration" is 
> an *official* function of the *official* headquarters
> of the TMO in America. If this announcement does not
> reflect that organization's true thinking, then what
> DOES it reflect?
Turq! Why must you be such a trouble maker? Why can't you get with
"the program"? Why can't you (as suggested in the announcement) "sit
in silence or meditate"?

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