On Jul 17, 2008, at 6:53 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

IMO there couldn't possibly BE a more cult-like
document. This is the face of the TM movement that
it tries to hide from the public. Celebrating Hindu
gods by making offerings to them (there is no pre-
tending that this is part of a ceremony that is
merely a traditional way that the TM technique is
taught here), needing "dome badges" to enter (a
form of elitism and paranoid security and obvious
"some are better than others" hierarchy), misogyny
out the yin-yang, rules of behavior and dress out
the yin-yang, worship of the dead as if they aren't
dead (the "presentation of achievements to Guru Dev"),
and above all, *unquestioning* belief that anything
called "Vedic" is good.

This post should be archived and referred to any
time in the future when some TM TB here claims that
the TMO is not a Hindu cult. This "celebration" is
an *official* function of the *official* headquarters
of the TMO in America. If this announcement does not
reflect that organization's true thinking, then what
DOES it reflect?

Hey, give em a little credit, Barry--at least they aren't requiring
burnt offerings and the sacrifice of your first-born.

Gotta draw the line somewhere, right?


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