Very thoughtful respnse. Not that my opinion counts for much.  But, 
I will say that Judy pretty much nailed John Knapp.

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "geezerfreak" <geezerfreak@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> 
> <snip>
> > > The humiliation of having Michael confirm what I
> > > said has just about driven Barry around the bend. If
> > > you consider yourself a friend of his, you ought to
> > > be helping him deal with it by gently drawing him
> > > closer to reality and reassuring him that he'll
> > > survive. You aren't doing him any favors by 
> > > validating his fantasies. He's in enough trouble
> > > already.
> > 
> >  You know Judy, I've known Barry for nearly 30 years. It's more
> > than 30 years actually (damn how time flies!). You are engaging
> > in utter fantasy about him. Barry has an extremely keen sense of
> > humor. He's one of the few people I've known who can truly get
> > as much pleasure laughing at himself as someone else.
> Look, I know you have to defend him because he's your
> friend, but I've known him for almost 14 years now--
> not as long as you have, and only via this medium--
> but long enough to have a pretty clear idea of who he
> is. I have never *once* seen him laugh at himself.
> Maybe he does it in "real life" with people he's close
> to and not threatened by, but he has a need to present
> himself quite differently in this venue.
> And enough others over the years have validated my
> take on him, both in public and in private, for me to
> know I'm not indulging in some purely personal fantasy
> about him. He's one of the most mean-spirited,
> hypocritical, dishonest, ego-driven, angry, unhappy
> individuals I've ever encountered anywhere.
> > If you think for one second that Barry is "humilated" by
> > what Michael said you haven't learned a thing about him
> > in all of these years of endless sparring.
> He's doing everything he can to avoid the appearance
> of humiliation, but the intensity of his reaction, and
> its very high fantasy quotient, gives it away.
> > Tweaking you is sport to him. He amuses himself doing it.
> > Barry (like me) likes to laugh and does not like to be
> > bored.
> There's more than a desire to laugh behind his attacks
> on me (and others), Geeze. If you can't see that, you
> haven't been paying attention. Again, this is not just
> my take by a very long shot. There's something very
> deeply twisted about him.
> And you might want to read up on the psychology of
> boredom. It's not a benign symptom. But I agree with
> you that it's a big part of what's troubling him.
> > What makes many of your posts so damn boring and redundant is
> > that you take yourself SO seriously. This particular episode
> > started because a sharp intellect (Ruth) realized that 
> > debating with you is a dead end. A humorless dead end at that.
> > She decided to leave FFL since you would respond even when she
> > wasn't addressing you.
> Well, of course I would, if she said something I wanted
> to comment on. That she decided she wasn't going to
> speak to me doesn't somehow mean I have to stop
> expressing my opinion about what she says. That's sort
> of like saying, "You can't see me because I have my
> eyes closed." But there's no obligation whatsoever for
> her to respond, so the reason she gave is patently
> bogus.
> She did not cover herself with glory in the discussion
> we had about abduction experiences. She took a position
> at the outset--the one I initially commented on--and then
> felt she had to stick to it even though it became obvious
> she wasn't as well informed as she had thought. That's an
> unusual situation for her, and she didn't know how to 
> handle it.
> > She has better things to do than going around in cirlcles
> > with your own special brand of madness.
> I consistently fail to be impressed by generalized
> accusations for which no evidence or examples are
> provided.
> > It isn't Barry needin help m'dear. It's you. I could care
> > less whether you get it or not.
> I think both of you need help, frankly. Enablers
> need treatment as well as those they enable.
> > In the meantime I'll enjoy (when I have time to check in)
> > Barry's prodding and poking of you. You take his bait every
> > time. After all these years you still go for it.
> How interesting that you don't see the same thing on
> his side.

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