--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > But even more of a problem is why crop circle makers
> > would go to all the trouble of creating these effects
> > with advanced technology in the first place:
> > 
> > > > 1. Elongated apical plant stem nodes 
> > > > 2. Expulsion cavities in the plant stems 
> > > > 3. The presence of 10-50 micrometer diameter magnetized
> > > >    iron spheres in the soils, distributed linearly
> It may be an artifact of the unknown process that they use.

Who uses? The guys with a couple of boards and a rope
who supposedly are creating all these circles?

> Which also answers this point:
> > It strains credulity to think circle makers would have
> > "planted" this kind of anomalous, virtually invisible
> > evidence throughout circles that would have been
> > difficult enough to create overnight without it.
> It may be just a byproduct of how they are doing it.  The
> extent of human ingenuity is fantastic.

You would think that if this were the case, the
scientists who are intent on debunking a non-human
origin for the circles would be able to extrapolate
from these highly specific effects to how they are
doing it.

> The jump you don't seem to make, which many people do who
> are into this is to claim, is that they know they are done
> my aliens.

Right, I don't make that jump.

> Same
> with UFOs, they are "unidentified."   The jump to identifying
> them as alien crafts is an unnecessary jump. with crop circles
> all we can say is that we don't have all the answers to all ways
> they are done.  But the suggestion that we need to imagine that 
> humans couldn't do it seems far fetched to me.  Is this one for 
> your "don't rule it out" box?

Yup. But I lean in the other direction; I think it's
far-fetched to imagine that humans *could* do it, if
we haven't been able to figure out how after all these
years--again, not just creating the patterns, but
doing so in such a way that these weird "invisible"
effects are created along with them.

I mean, the debunkers so far have focused only on the
fact that reasonable facimiles of crop circles can be
created by humans with ordinary equipment, assuming
on that basis that they've *all* been created this way.

But then you throw in the "invisible" effects as well,
and you've got a *lot* more explaining to do.

  I think I am more convinced that it is humans who are really
> into this kind of thing.
> But this topic always interests me in where you are drawing
> your lines while challenging the simple explanations. It is
> one of your best "raps" IMO.


Where I'm at right now is that there is a whole
batch of *very* odd phenomena--crop circles and UFO
abduction experiences among them--happening right
under our noses that we can't begin to explain in
terms of our conventional understanding of How It
All Works, and which, in fact, appear to
*contradict* that understanding.

At this point, I can't see how to come to any
conclusion other than that there's a very
significant "slice" of How It All Works that we
don't even suspect *exists*, much less have a clue
about what's involved.

In other words, I think the likelihood that 
conventional explanations of these phenomena are
adequate is very, very remote--but I can't rule
it out.

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