....and the benevolent Raja of India, Harris Kaplan, with his wife, whom he 
described as the 
"Mother of the Movement"  has the gaul to claim the entire anticipated proceeds 
from a 
future sale of  three valuable pieces of TMO land in Florida, Texas, and Japan 
will be sent 
to India.  Raja Kaplan also claims anticipated increased monthly donations from 
Settle, the benefactor of the Invincible America assemby, will be dedicated to 
the Indian 
TMO.  Raja Kaplan envisions  personally moving permanently to India to bask in 
atmosphere of the Brahmastan and the future multiple-thousands of pandits that 
will be 
living there, and he suggests that's where everyone in the movement will want 
to live, too. 

Oh, What a lovely Tme it will be,  as Raja Kaplan completely fleeces thee.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 1:31 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
> > If Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed,
> > he is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in teaching
> > them TM.
> >
> > TM has been lost on the wayside.
> Then it would no longer be "consciousness-based" if that were the  
> case. I doubt we'll see TM left by the wayside, but I wouldn't be  
> surprised if it was sold more reasonably in India as an intro to other  
> services they sell, a gateway drug, if you will. India is the perfect  
> place to sell this brand of Vedic creation science and American and  
> Europeans the perfect suckers to provide the venture capital.

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