Hey Billy,

You have been posting some really though provoking stuff lately and I
want to pause in my disagreeing with almost everything you are saying,
to thank you for it.  Especially the last post which was revealing and
exposed you to dips like me who had to stop himself from using it as
launching pad for my nonsense humor.  Instead I'll ask a few questions
to understand you better if you care to respond. (nonsense humor will
be minimized but no claims of complete abstinence, are being made here.)

What gave you the idea that celibacy was good?  Did you ever hang out
on one of Maharishi's all male courses? Do you believe that sex
between two unmarried people who love each other is immoral?  What if
they really, really love each other, but only for a very short period
of time?  How long do you have to be in love for sex not to be
immoral.  Is sex only for making children or is it OK to use it to
become closer to someone emotionally.  Say someone you just met that
night but are catching a really great vibe from?

Do you agree with all religions?  Are they all valid?  Did God give us
Rastafarianism?  How about those offshoots of the Mormons with
multiple wives, was Joseph Smith really a prophet of God?  This is
going to sound like I'm joking but how about WICCA.  Or (and I know
this is different from WICCA) Satan worship?  What about Kali worship?

I'm just trying to figure out where you are drawing your lines.

Do you believe that the Bible is revealed scripture?  That it is all
true?  How about the Vedic literature, is it really true that killing
a woman is karmically similar to killing an insect? (Laws of Manu)

Inquiring minds want to know!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> <mainstream20016@> wrote:
> >
> > BillyG,
> > Your points regarding TM'ers' attitude about Religion have some
> degree of validity.  Do you 
> > consider yourself an atypical TM'er. Please tell us about your
> personal religious journey, if 
> > you would.  I would like to hear about your personal Religious
> practice, and whether you 
> > regularly practice TM, or not, etc. 
> Gladly, yes,  I started TM when I was 16 and I was a 'typical' TM'er,
> morally lazy and waiting for TM to kick in, when I turned 55 I wised
> up and realized at this rate it ain't gonna 'kick in', at least before
> I die.  That's when I started using will power and praying as
> recommended by various Spiritual teachers and  Swami Yogananda in
> particular. 
> I have been completely celibate now with no sex fantasies for 18
> months. My objective was and still is to improve and strengthen my
> moral character, I have!  I still practice TM, over 40 years now and
> credit it with giving me the experience of pure bliss enabling me to
> have faith and conviction (an essential ingredient) that we are,
> indeed made in the image of God and have by virtue of that
> relationship complete freewill and power to change our lives for the
> better. 
> However, if I had not been taught these principles and encouraged to
> take control of my life I would not have acted upon those profound
> words of knowledge from Swami Paramahansa Yogananda quoting Christ. So
> you see, Religion, which promotes moral and ethical living is an
> invaluable tool for you and I and an essential ingredient for our
> youth which will form our future generations.
> TM is not being taught as a Religion, so how could it fulfill the
> principles of Religion?  It takes grace (transcendence) and effort
> (will power) to reclaim your spiritual identity, IMO, thanks for
> asking! Perhaps now you could say I am an 'atypical' TM'er as I
> actually practice some form of Religion.
> P.S. I use myself as an example, but I know of other TM'er who are
> still morally lazy and think TM is going to solve all of their
> problems and 'effort' isn't necessary. I think that is a
> mis-understanding of MMY's teachings if you read closely, though, he
> could have been clearer!
> >         
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wgm4u@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> > > <j_alexander_stanley@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > >snip
> > > > But, I laugh at the silly superstitious notion that it's
> > > > bad woowoo to engage in sex outside the restraints of heterosexual
> > > > marriage and procreation. Frankly, the idea that sex needs to be
> > > > repressed and only expressed in religiously approved channels
> strikes
> > > > me as a waking state spiritual preschool.
> > > 
> > > Your comment is typical I think of many TM'ers who have been led to
> > > believe they don't need Religion and have adopted *TM in lieu of
> > > Religion*, this is unfortunate and not IMO what MMY had intended.
> > > 
> > > Also it tends to dismiss Religion as somehow, 'beneath' you, instead
> > > of acknowledging that Religion is our outer guide in life and a
> > > valuable asset in nurturing spiritual development, but this is
> > > with TM'ers.
> > > 
> > > As a result of this dismissive attitude towards Religion many TM'ers
> > > have become *morally lazy* and think TM is going to solve all of
> > > problems, in time........well, MMY said in Fuiggi Italy, "It could
> > > take a million years to reach CC unless you come to these courses",
> > > putting to rest the 5-8 year controversy.
> > > 
> > > Why throw Religion under the Bus? It was compassionately given to us
> > > by our creator for our welfare..........
> > >
> >

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