Bhairitu wrote:
> It's depressing to give this country over 
> to a bunch of C students, 
For once we seem to be in agreement. My current
grade point average is 3.5, whats's yours? I
wonder what kind of grades Michael Moore got
in school? From what I've read, Sarah Palin got
all 'A's. She graduated from college - I wonder
how many respondents on FFL have graduated. 

After reading here for a number of years, I'd 
say that none of the current informants ever 
got a degree from MUM. Correct me if I'm
wrong on this.

> dunderheads and pondscum or the lowest 
> common denominator.
Speaking of 'dunderheads', apparently you can't 
even read your own scriptures without using
Sanskrit flash cards. If so, then you'd be 
considered an llliterate in most villages in

As for the 'pondscum', you're really in no
position to be calling the poor villagers of
rural India any names. Who said you had to be 
a scholar in order to love God?

> Such is the  road to idiocracy and the flaw 
> in democracy.
India is the world's largest democracy and I'm
sure it has some flaws, but what how would you
be knowing since you can't even read a Hindi 
newspaper, much less the Indian Constitution.
You probably don't even own a single copy of the
Times of India.

> I suppose the best thing you can do is separate 
> them and their money (which a lot of people 
> will be and are doing since they are easy marks.
Why do almost all your solutions to government 
include violence, anarchy, or scams to get money?

> Hey dummy, wanna buy a big pickup truck?) 
What happened to all that money you sent to the
Marshy for all those TM 'initiations'? 

> I'm a little more optimistic than that and hope
> that the masses see the wisdom in electing 
> someone who can hold an thoughtful and intelligent 
> conversation with other world leaders of their 
> IQ
Maybe we could set up a debate between Barak Obama 
and Osama bin Laden, without any pre-conditions.
That would really be a thoughtful and intelligent
conversation and would really resolve a lot of
issues. Maybe they could debate women attending
school like Sarah Palin did. 

> and not some guy who wants to remind you every 
> ten minutes that he was a POW so you feel sorry 
> for him with a VP who should not even be elected 
> a PTA chairman.
You could cast another spoiler vote if you wanted 
to. Or, you could vote for a community organizer
who never even joined the PTA or fought in a war.

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