Jesus Christ.  Bring back the DNC.  They forgot one important 

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
> Sara is applying to run for president (in the case of a 3-4
> time,cancer surviving, 72 year old, having a serious medical 
> in the next 4 years) and unlike all the other candidates, we have 
> had enough time to understand who we are dealing with.  McCain is
> bum-rushing us with her and we have two months to get to know her
> before deciding if she should occupy the second most important
> political position in the world. (That's right my European friends,
> till China rises up and crushes us all, we are the last super 
> The biggest problem we have with her is not people making sexist
> comments.  That distraction is appropriate to any woman here who is
> being treated that way in her own personal life. But it nothing to 
> with how fast we have to find out who the person is who might end 
> commanding a military that has only recently justified a pre-
> strike on another sovereign nation. (Same party, don't be fooled by
> the frantic distancing going on.) So if you want to mention her
> "prom-ready updo" while being very critical of her, consider 
> forgiven in advance.  (women on FFL's mileage may vary)  The 
> problem with Mitt Romney was not that he had Ken Doll hair, it was
> what was under it that mattered, and the same is true with Sara. 
> The American press got cowered after 9-11 by their fear of not 
> "patriotic" enough.  They betrayed our public trust.  That goes 
> for the Democratic party.  Bush used name-calling to dismantle the
> whole system of checks and balances in our country.
> Name calling!
> So my advise to the press and the Democratic party is to ignore all
> the word shields being used to keep you from sandblasting Sara 
> from head to toe.  I want you so far up her ass I only see the 
> of your shoes.  I will forgive you if you need to apologize 
> for being a little rough on her.  We don't have the time to play 
> and she can take it if she is the real deal.  But I will never 
> you if let he slip by with little scrutiny and she turns out to be
> another George Bush disaster. 
> Oh yeah, and the fact that she did not try to shove her wacky 
> about creationism being taught alongside intelligent design down 
> throats of her independently oriented fellow Alaskans doesn't help 
> fact that she equates these two completely different positions as
> having equal scientific merit. Houston we have a big F'n problem 
>  I've already been down this road with George.  I understand the
> implications when science and scripture are viewed as equally valid
> POVs. (See I didn't call them old books either!) 
> So do me proud American press and Democratic party.  I need to 
> and I need to know fast.  
> The real difference between a pit bull and a "hockey mom" is that a
> pit bull never gets deluded that it can be a heartbeat away from 
> the president without being qualified, but a "hockey mom" can. I've
> seen the lipstick (and lip liner) so I'm sure we are not dealing 
> a pit bull here. 
> --- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Sep 6, 2008, at 8:30 AM, mainstream20016 wrote:
> > 
> > >> For once we seem to be in agreement. My current
> > >> grade point average is 3.5, whats's yours? I
> > >> wonder what kind of grades Michael Moore got
> > >> in school? From what I've read, Sarah Palin got
> > >> all 'A's. She graduated from college - I wonder
> > >> how many respondents on FFL have graduated.
> > >>
> > >> After reading here for a number of years, I'd
> > >> say that none of the current informants ever
> > >> got a degree from MUM. Correct me if I'm
> > >> wrong on this.
> > >
> > > Your wrong.
> > 
> > Sarah Palin apparently went to 5 or 6 colleges
> > before graduating, and her grades are unknown.
> > 
> > Sal
> >

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