> So why does he effect his speech in such a false way?  Who is he
trying> to kid?

Like when Bush tries to sound like a cowboy hick unlike everyone else
in his family? Or when Palin drops her "g's" when she is talk'n about
hunt'n and fish'n? 

It's a public speaking rapport thing and it works live.  Like when we
were in India and found out that Taxi guys understood us better when
we imitated their pidgin English and accent.  Better rapport.  Except
when Madonna uses her phony British accent.  That doesn't work at all.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How does this happen?
> You grow up in a white family in a white neighbourhood (except for the 
> period when you're in Indonesia surrounded by Indonesians) and you 
> attend a white school.  You're the only Black on your highschool 
> basketball team.
> Then, after college, you attend, for graduate school, Harvard 
> University law school.
> Ebonics is NOT a part of the culture of ANY of the above.
> And keep in mind that one's speech patterns are developed -- engrained 
> like a vriti on your brain -- by the time you're seven and pretty much 
> written in stone by the time you're 15.
> Why then does Barack Obama resort to ebonics when he is in front of 
> certain crowds?  His wife doesn't talk like that and his kids certainly 
> don't.  Ebonics is NOT his culture!
> So why does he effect his speech in such a false way?  Who is he trying 
> to kid?

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