Only if you buy the "official version" of 9-11.  I certainly don't buy 
that version nor do other thinking people.   Al-Qaeda was in fact a CIA 
organized group put together to fight the Russians in Afghanistan.  They 
are an artificial "contracted" organization designed to keep people in 
fear so those behind the government can profit from the oil in Iraq and 
what other profitable wars they can pursue.

Don't buy the MSM kool-aid.

lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> Look, I agree, she did not look too good in the interview.  Not that 
> Gibson wasn't pretty demeaning in his attitude towars her.  But 
> isn't the definiton of Al Quida pretty much what is described 
> below?  If that is not the definiton of Al Quida, please advise what 
> is. 
> --- In, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> from the New York Times today, on the interview with Palin: 
>> At a separate event on Thursday, a deployment ceremony for her son
>> Track and thousands of other soldiers heading to Iraq from Fort
>> Wainwright, Alaska, Ms. Palin told them they would be fighting "the
>> enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of
>> thousands of Americans."
>> This is a stupid, ignorant, dangerous woman. 

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