It's a bitch.

For six years now I've lived in France and in Spain,
and traveled elsewhere in Europe, and it's taught me 
a great deal about America and its image worldwide.

I'd love to believe that I "fit in" here, and that
no one would mistake me for an American, but sadly 
that is not true. If nothing else, my accent gives
me away every time, no matter how much I practice 
my French or Spanish or Catalan.

Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party, 
and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
Barry learned it should be pronounced, "Woon," and 
the other person's 'tude towards me will change

Instead of assuming that I am possessed of above-
average intelligence, which they thought a moment
ago, they now assume that because I am an American, 
I am stupid. 

And not only stupid, but Ignorant And Proud Of It.

THAT, my friends who live in America and don't travel
much outside it, is the legacy of modern America. 
THAT is how the world is going to perceive you when
you travel, because that is how the vast majority of
the people in your country act.

They have voted for people who they *know* told them
lies about why their country invaded Iraq, and they
have voted for them TWICE. Because they wanted the 
lies to be true. They may have *known* inwardly that
the Iraq war was a lie, but they wanted to believe
that it *wasn't* a lie so strongly that they voted
for someone who just kept repeating the same lie over
and over again. They didn't *want* the truth; they 
wanted the ignorance.

They prefer the ignorance of "Global warming is a 
hoax" to the truth of "Global warming and our contri-
bution to it as a nation is going to kill our own

They prefer the ignorance of "We have the highest
standard of living on the planet" to the truth that
"We are unhealthy and live in a constant state of
fear because we are as bankrupt and living on credit
as our nation is."

They prefer ignorance. Period.

And they're *proud* of thinking this way.

And I get lumped in with them almost every time some-
one figures out that I'm from America.

And it pisses me off and I'm tired of it. I'm tired
of having to go back and waste a couple of hours of
"remedial education" with these people to clue them
into the fact that I don't think like this, even 
though I'm an American. 

But that's just the "advance PR" that comes with 
you as baggage when you're an American living or
traveling abroad. It's what people assume about you
because you're an American, and it's all that they
expect you to live up to, or down to.

I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
and just fuckin' smarten up. For once, America, do
something RIGHT, so that those of us out here in the
bigger world don't have to keep apologizing for you
and trying to distance ourselves from you.

Elect someone smart for a change. Please.

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