On Sep 13, 2008, at 1:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party,
and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
Barry learned it should be pronounced, "Woon," and
the other person's 'tude towards me will change

Instead of assuming that I am possessed of above-
average intelligence, which they thought a moment
ago, they now assume that because I am an American,
I am stupid.

And not only stupid, but Ignorant And Proud Of It.

THAT, my friends who live in America and don't travel
much outside it, is the legacy of modern America.

All that proves, Barry, is that there's bigots outside of
America as well as in.


I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
and just fuckin' smarten up.

So do many Americans.


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