any incumbent since Wilson.

Also, a substantial majority of Americans think
global warming is real and a serious threat. So
you got that one wrong too.

And health care and the economy are among the
top concerns in polls this year. So you're wrong
on that as well.

> They prefer ignorance. Period.
> And they're *proud* of thinking this way.

Most don't and aren't, actually.

> And I get lumped in with them almost every time some-
> one figures out that I'm from America.
> And it pisses me off and I'm tired of it. I'm tired
> of having to go back and waste a couple of hours of
> "remedial education" with these people to clue them
> into the fact that I don't think like this, even 
> though I'm an American.

You *should* be pissed off. It's an ignorant
assumption on the part of the Europeans that
all Americans are stupid, since most aren't.

It might be a good idea, instead of trying to
prove that you're one of the few smart Americans,
to disabuse the Europeans of their bigoted
perspective about Americans in general.

Or, for that matter, given all your mistakes I
pointed out agbove, maybe you should stop to
consider whether the Europeans are right about
*you*. (I particularly like the one about
our having elected Bush in 2000 despite his lies
about Iraq.)

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