--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a bitch.
> For six years now I've lived in France and in Spain,
> and traveled elsewhere in Europe, and it's taught me 
> a great deal about America and its image worldwide.
> I'd love to believe that I "fit in" here, and that
> no one would mistake me for an American, but sadly 
> that is not true. If nothing else, my accent gives
> me away every time, no matter how much I practice 
> my French or Spanish or Catalan.
> Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
> person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party, 
> and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
> Barry learned it should be pronounced, "Woon," and 
> the other person's 'tude towards me will change
> abruptly. 
> Instead of assuming that I am possessed of above-
> average intelligence, which they thought a moment
> ago, they now assume that because I am an American, 
> I am stupid. 
> And not only stupid, but Ignorant And Proud Of It.
> THAT, my friends who live in America and don't travel
> much outside it, is the legacy of modern America. 
> THAT is how the world is going to perceive you when
> you travel, because that is how the vast majority of
> the people in your country act.
> They have voted for people who they *know* told them
> lies about why their country invaded Iraq, and they
> have voted for them TWICE. Because they wanted the 
> lies to be true. They may have *known* inwardly that
> the Iraq war was a lie, but they wanted to believe
> that it *wasn't* a lie so strongly that they voted
> for someone who just kept repeating the same lie over
> and over again. They didn't *want* the truth; they 
> wanted the ignorance.
> They prefer the ignorance of "Global warming is a 
> hoax" to the truth of "Global warming and our contri-
> bution to it as a nation is going to kill our own
> children." 
> They prefer the ignorance of "We have the highest
> standard of living on the planet" to the truth that
> "We are unhealthy and live in a constant state of
> fear because we are as bankrupt and living on credit
> as our nation is."
> They prefer ignorance. Period.
> And they're *proud* of thinking this way.
> And I get lumped in with them almost every time some-
> one figures out that I'm from America.
> And it pisses me off and I'm tired of it.

Or you could embrace it and not have to relive it in the Bardo.

> I'm tired
> of having to go back and waste a couple of hours of
> "remedial education" with these people to clue them
> into the fact that I don't think like this, even 
> though I'm an American. 
> But that's just the "advance PR" that comes with 
> you as baggage when you're an American living or
> traveling abroad. It's what people assume about you
> because you're an American, and it's all that they
> expect you to live up to, or down to.
> I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
> dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
> and just fuckin' smarten up. For once, America, do
> something RIGHT, so that those of us out here in the
> bigger world don't have to keep apologizing for you
> and trying to distance ourselves from you.

We'll do our best not to embarass you anymore. (but we still have
Curtis-- so no guarantees). But thanks so much for being so dependent
on us for your happiness and well-being.  It makes us back here feel
> Elect someone smart for a change. Please.

Gosh, we'll knuckle down and try! I just hope I don't get all dumb
again like in the last elections. You know how dumb that us dufuses
can get. 

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