TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
>>> Especially during a financial meltdown:
>>> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article4810644.ece
>> Let's do the math, shall we?
>> Because of the mismanagement of scores of CEOs
>> of financial companies, the Bush administration
>> is now proposing a 700-billion-dollar "bailout"
>> package to essentially *reward* these same CEOs
>> and say, "We're going to pretend you didn't fuck
>> up and ruin the economy...here's some free money."
>> But the money isn't free, and it isn't theirs.
>> It's YOURS, you taxpayers in America. And 700
>> billion dollars translates to approximately 
>> 2,333 dollars for each man, woman, and child
>> in the United States. (If I did the math right.)
> Ooops. As it turns out, my math is NOT right.
> It's far too low a figure. According to Reuters
> and CNET, the cost is more like $17,064 per
> household:
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10049551-38.html
> Are you angry yet?
> Ready to kick a little CEO and Republican ass yet?
> If not, why the hell not?
But you've always argued that Americans are too wimpy take to the 
streets.  Do you think that is going to change now?  I didn't here much 
of any discussion yesterday while waiting in the courtroom about the 
bailout.  In fact the discussion that got going was about Vista and how 
terrible it is.  Of course I had to throw in my tip about how to get 
Vista to boot up and ready to go in one minute: format the hard drive 
and install Linux.  :-)

My guru always asks why Americans let the Bush administration get away 
with murder when if this were India people *would* be rioting in the 

>> The people who *caused* this financial meltdown
>> are not only going to get away Scot-free, they're
>> going to get away rich. While YOU and your children
>> pony up $2,333 each so that they can do it.
>> Isn't about bloody time that a few people dragged
>> these CEO sumbitches into an alley and kicked the
>> crap out of them, before throwing them into prison
>> where they'll be raped daily for the next 20 years, 
>> the same way they've been raping 300,000,000 
>> Americans?
> My proposed 20-year sentences were based on
> the $2,333 per American figure. Given the 
> new, higher figure, we should probably up 
> that to 40 years in prison, without the 
> possibility of parole or K-Y.
Try the number of actual taxpayers which was around 131 million in 2003 
and the number *is* much higher.

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