--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 24, 2008, at 1:27 PM, Richard M wrote:
> > Yes I agree. It's "only money" after all!
> >
> > I have enjoyed "The Wire" so much - the price is of no consequence.
> > And if everyone worked a flanker and got it gratis, would such
> > programs ever get made? "Enlightened self-interest" I'd say.
> Yes. I like contributing $$$ to things I enjoy. I support the arts! :-)
> > (Is there not a parallel here with TMO? Is it better for the Knowledge
> > to be free and non-commercial to salve our petty, liberal consciences?
> > And only reach a handful of "disciples"...Or better to be mired in and
> > tainted by commercial realities, but thereby to reach 000,000's?)
> Honestly I don't seriously entertain anything about TM or the TMO at  
> all anymore. It has been interesting to watch nature withdraw her  
> support.

I think I realise that!

> Such is impermanence's inevitable rusting of the can of the canned.  
> As soon as they canned it, it was doomed.

That's pretty. But I don't quite share your extreme cynicism though. 

(The "rusting" seems to me to be just another nice, poetic way of
describing MMY's from-day-one assertion of inevitable knowledge loss).

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