--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is some interesting allegations at about 39 minutes into the 
> http://www.edgemediatv.com/watchonline005_ontheedge.html

Pretty amazing, if true. But it all sounds a bit far-fetched
to me. I can't see how soldiers playing computer games could 
fly real planes into the WTC and not know, if their leaders 
are so ruthless why not do it themselves and not involve
a group of people they'd have to silence?

I don't get the missile at the pentagon theory either.
If they flew real planes at the WTC why not at the pentagon?
Did they not think a boeing would do enough damage. The
offical explanation is more convincing, the explosion blew
the wings off and the building around the hole collapsed.
Simple but effective.

The weirdest part of that was the two guys on the sofa
sounding totally blase about the whole thing, it doesn't 
say much for the government if anyone thinks the kidnapping
and murder of all these people is unsurprising or even likely.

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