--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <Was Sirhan a Manchurian Candidate? No, that title> fits Obama.>
> So who is hypnotizing Obama to carry out a murder on a plitical
> leader?  Did you see the movie?  Do you know what this phrase means?
> Are you no just flinging any feces within reach now Raunchy?
> I look forward to you contributions after the election Raunchy.  I dig
> your prolific posting energy and hope you are not a one trick,
> election only poster here.  But you are really losing me on these
> irrational attacks on Obama.  They don't even make any sense.

The term Manchurian Candidate is from a novel, adapted into films in
1962 and 2004. It's about the son of a prominent political family who
was brainwashed into becoming an assassin for the Communist Party.
Obama brainwashed himself listening to Wright's anti-American rants
and associating with far left folks like Ayers. 

Frank Marshal Davis, who Obama mentions in his book, was a well-known
Chicago communist, moved to Hawaii and became one of Obama's mentors
as he was growing up. The black liberation theology of his church had
its roots in the black separatist, Marxist ideology of Malcolm X in
which James Cone articulated Malcolm's objection that Christianity was
a "white man's religion."

Ayers educational program has its roots in the radical teachings of
Saul Alinsky. Obama's based his community organizing on Alinsky's
philosophy, "What follows is for those who want to change the world
from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was
written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for
Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away".
Michelle Obama based her thesis on the ideology of black separatist,
Stokley Carmichael. http://tinyurl.com/64c3aq 

Obama's far left associations bother me more and for different reasons
than they do Judy. What bothers me most is that all these guys, their
ideology born of hatred for America, have a common desire to overthrow
our country's capitalist system and establish a socialist/communist
government. Ayers thinks the best way to do this is to infiltrate
government and overthrow it from within. Obama is ready to fulfill his
dream. Thus, the title, Manchurian Candidate is apt.

I do not want to live under a totalitarian, socialist government.
Because of Obama's history and associations, I hope I'm wrong, but I
fear it is quite possible that this is what we would see when Obama
becomes president. Bush's bailout recently handed Obama all he will
need for complete ownership of our financial freedom. When the bailout
passed, I knew then we are heading for some very tough times and I
don't trust Obama at the helm.

The most interesting thing about this campaign has been an opportunity
to examine my own political ideology. Having imbibed a daily dose of
Thom Hartmann on Sirius radio for a couple of years before the
primary, I considered myself far left. Now, I'm not so sure of where I
am presently on the political spectrum. I think perhaps I'm now more
centrist. Maybe my red neck roots are showing, but I don't care. I
love my country. I'm proud of our soldiers. I get a lump in my throat
when I sing the Star Spangled Banner. I display an American flag on
appropriate holidays. I believe in free enterprise as much as I
believe in unions.  I believe in hard work and fair play and I'm
opposed to a government that makes it citizens dependent for a hand out.

I hate the sexist treatment of Palin. I think it's worse than
Hillary's.  It makes me sympathetic to her and she has given me a
newfound respect for people with conservative values.  I'm still
sorting out what role government should play in our lives, but of one
thing I am certain, Obama is not to be trusted.

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