Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
state  is a bit passive aggressive.  

I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the details of
the supposed "offer" or have full disclosure on how complicated Bill's
foreign country business deals would make this.

Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.

But it does show very good faith on Obama's side towards Hillary that
he is letting this impression of a diss linger.  He gave her great
respect and consideration to let this offer get out and let her take
her own sweet time in answering.

I wonder if the Hillaryphiles here are going to acknowledge that she
is getting very preferential treatment here.  If it was me, (and thank
all the gods it is not!) I would say, "here is the offer, take the
weekend to decide, on Monday you either sign up or I move one to my
next choice.   

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