Barry is so sunk in fantasy, so convinced that
he won't be held accountable for what he says,
that he feels perfectly free to lie about what's
in an article in the *New York Times*:

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An article in HuffPost today (originally from
> the New York Times) says that all of the talk
> about Hillary being offered the position of 
> SoS in the first place was leaked to the press
> by the *Clinton* people, not from the Obama 
> camp. The latter are quite distraught about 
> the leaks.

No, the Times DOES NOT SAY THAT. Not even the
Hillary-hating HuffPo says that. Only BARRY
says that.

This is ALL the Times says about leaks:

"In their public signals, the Clintons are trying
to take the former president's activities off
the table as an issue, in their view eliminating
any excuses for Mr. Obama not to give Mrs. Clinton
the job. Some in the Obama camp are bristling at
what they see as strategic leaks by the Clintons
aimed at boxing in the president-elect and forcing
him to offer the post."

First, this is in a paragraph about the vetting of
Bill Clinton's activities, not about Hillary being
offered SoS "in the first place." Nowhere in the
Times article does it suggest the Clinton camp
leaked the original story.

Barry disgraces himself once again by making things
up out of whole cloth.

There's no question where the original leaks came
from about her being under consideration for (not
"being offered") SoS: from the Obama camp. It's a
matter of record. The story was broken by NBC's
Andrea Mitchell, who insists she was told by two
Obama advisers. Mitchell is most decidedly not a
Clinton fan, so she has no reason to lie about
her sources to protect Hillary.

Second, what the Times article is referring to
here is leaks about Bill Clinton accepting the
various conditions on his activities the Obama
people are requiring. The "suspicions" in
question are that the leaks about his willingness
to cooperate are *strategic* leaks, not that
there *have been* leaks--again, these leaks are a
matter of record and are what the Times article

HuffPo's description of the Times article gets it
wrong on this point, characterizing the leaks
themselves as "suspected." No, the leaks about
Bill Clinton are established fact. What is
"suspected" is that these leaks have been made as
a matter of strategy.

It's no surprise that HuffPo would do its level
best to slant its own story against Hillary by
misrepresenting the Times article.

But even HuffPo doesn't try to suggest, as Barry
dishonestly declares, that the original leaks
came from the Clintons.

Since Mitchell broke the original story, the press
has gone nuts trying to find out more but was
unable to do so until quite recently, because both
Hillary's people and Obama's people were keeping
their mouths shut after the initial leak from
Obama's team. The press *still* can't confirm that
she's actually been offered the position; nobody
is yet willing to say that for the record.

> The article is quite clear in who is to blame
> for any delays, and for all of the leaks.

Absolutely, unequivocally UNTRUE. Knowingly
untrue, as anybody who reads the Times article
will find. Not even the HuffPo article *about*
the Times article says that.

The HuffPo article has now been updated with
leaks *from two senior Obama aides* saying he
will offer her the post, and that she's expected
to accept. And the Times is now saying it's a
done deal, but they still don't have confirmation
from anybody on the record. Obama is said to be
preparing to make the announcement right after

> Obama camp defines the problem, if there is 
> one, as the result of "strategic leaks by the 
> Clintons aimed at boxing in the president-elect 
> and forcing him to offer the post [to Clinton]."

Actually the Times article says "some in the
Obama camp." And again, it's referring to the
leaks about Bill Clinton, not the original leak
about Hillary being considered for the position.

In fact, the leaks about the negotiations from
the top people in the Obama camp have been that
they're going well.

What you've got, obviously, is a bunch of lower-
level people trying to scotch the nomination. And
the press, of course, is inventing all kinds of
drama that doesn't actually exist, because that's
what sells papers.

> It would appear that he had nothing to do with
> "letting the offer get out." She, or her people,
> were responsible for all the leaks.

Au contraire. As noted, it was Obama's people who
originally leaked that she was under consideration.
Matter of record.

> Much less that, by allowing her people to leak things
> that shouldn't have ever been leaked to the press in
> the first place, she has basically disqualified her-
> self for the position. If she can't control her staff
> now, does anyone believe she'll be able to as Secretary
> of State?

In fact, leakage about possible cabinet
appointments by an incoming administration is the
rule, not the exception. Nobody thinks they're
disqualifying. And one more time--the original
"in the first place" leaks came from the Obama
camp, not the Clinton camp.

There has been *less* leakage about the possible
Hillary appointment than most. That's why you've
been seeing all the conflicting stories, because
nobody had been able to obtain the facts.

The leakage from the Clinton camp has been about
(1) Bill Clinton's willingness to go along with
the Obama camp's conditions about his activities;
and (2) Hillary not being sure she'd accept if
the position were offered. Nobody thinks those
leaks are disqualifying either.

And both sides have been leaking on these points.
As the Times article says, "Both sides were engaged
in a delicate public and private dance, maneuvering
for position and reputation in case the deal falls

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