--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess all I'm saying is that the fundamentalists who
> declare that only their theory is correct may simply not
> have had the breadth of experience that the people they
> consider fools have had. If I had not had the kinds of
> experiences I've had, a belief in reincarnation might
> be for me a Purely Intellectual Belief, the way it 
> appears to be for them. But that's not the case. 
> Reincarnation makes sense to me because it is 
> consistent with experiences that long predated 
> ever hearing about it as a theory.
So why do only a smattering of people have this delusion?  Why am I
not privy to voices in my head, past lives, alien probing and other
plot contrivances from the X files?


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