On Dec 1, 2008, at 3:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

TurquoiseB wrote:
I guess all I'm saying is that the fundamentalists who
declare that only their theory is correct may simply not
have had the breadth of experience that the people they
consider fools have had. If I had not had the kinds of
experiences I've had, a belief in reincarnation might
be for me a Purely Intellectual Belief, the way it
appears to be for them. But that's not the case.
Reincarnation makes sense to me because it is
consistent with experiences that long predated
ever hearing about it as a theory.
Fundamentalists are mostly literalists. They understand things only at
a very basic level.  OTOH, if you want to go deep enough there really
isn't any proof that anything exists. This existence can be and may be
nothing more than an illusion.   How can you prove otherwise?

Ah yes, the "empty" piano falls on your "empty" head--but you still die. Why? :-)

The paradox of emptiness and form; form and emptiness. The witness has to be dissolved to where we grok the two as coemergent properties in our own (unconventional) experience. It cannot be resolved via the intellect alone.

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