--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Stu" <buttsplicer@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I guess all I'm saying is that the fundamentalists who
> > > declare that only their theory is correct may simply not
> > > have had the breadth of experience that the people they
> > > consider fools have had. If I had not had the kinds of
> > > experiences I've had, a belief in reincarnation might
> > > be for me a Purely Intellectual Belief, the way it 
> > > appears to be for them. But that's not the case. 
> > > Reincarnation makes sense to me because it is 
> > > consistent with experiences that long predated 
> > > ever hearing about it as a theory.
> >
> > So why do only a smattering of people have this delusion? Why 
> > am I not privy to voices in my head, past lives, alien probing 
> > and other plot contrivances from the X files?
> Dude, you just didn't pay the right dues in 
> your past lives.
> (-: Kidding, really. :-)
> My real answer is, "Beats the shit outa me, 
> man." I have no fucking clue.
> Why do you insist that it's a "delusion."
> You don't know *what* it is. You just have
> theories.
Yea theories, but mine far more reasonable theories because they are

In other words, reincarnation is a random fantasy.

Of all the after death fantasies, reincarnation is but one route.  Why
choose the reincarnation fantasy over the pearly gates fantasy?  And
among the reincarnation fantasy is yours the one were your karma
effects how you come back or is the your the one were things just
cycle?  Don't the Hindu's have an elaborate story where your next life
is related to your own clan?

Because there is no ground to this myth it can go anywhere and it has.

On the other hand the "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust" speculation is
grounded in rules we are familiar with. Our ego/personality is a
construct developed as a survival necessity.  Memories are collected
in body tissue.  Why wouldn't this stuff go away when the plug is
pulled?  We can observe occurrences of people in accidents or with
sever pathologies who loose memory and personality.  Why shouldn't
death have the same effect as an injury on the personality of the

Sure - you claim to have these deep memories of a past life - but
there is plenty of psychological evidence to explain this as the
result of a healthy psyche.

It may not be a delusion.  Same goes for UFO's and sightings of the
Virgin Mary - But I remain skeptical of the supernatural.

I have had psychic experiences myself.  Seen auras, read minds, saw a
ghost, even witness weird coincidences.   But all can be explained as
the workings of a normal, healthy, creative mind.  Sure they're fun
experiences - and in one case spooked the shit out of some hotel
employees - But really, how can I put credence in this stuff.  For
every delusion I have there is someone else with an equal and opposite
delusion.  Your reincarnation is another's judgement day. Who is correct?

Start collecting delusions and eventually your not going to have a
footing in this dear world of ours.


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