--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> This is another clear example of Magoo's social pathology. Here he
> tries to compare working to stop polluting the earth to prevent
> massive deaths resulting from drastic climate changes in a globally
> agreed consensus that it's imperiative to address it - to invading a
> sovereign nation that has resulted in the deaths and injuries of
> millions of human beings. What a sick fuck.

Putting aside the "millions of human beings" part of that (no more 
than 80,000 Iraqi civilians have died; about 4,000 American troops), 
let's zero in on his "invading a sovereign nation" comment:

1) During the campaign, Barack Obama supported the idea of going 
after Osamb Bin Laden in SOVEREIGN Pakistani territory...WITHOUT the 
permission of Pakistan!

2) Just today, the above statement came back to haunt Obama when he 
was asked at a press conference whether India had that same right to 
invade a sovereign nation like Pakistan without their permission vis 
a vis the recent terrorist attacks in India.  Obama reiterated his 
campaign statement by saying: I think sovereign nations have the 
right to defend themselves...and I'll limit my comment to that.

Wow.  Did Obama just give India the green light to invade Pakistan?  
Or at least bomb terrorist targets within the borders of Pakistan?  

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