I was not present. My description came from that same friend who was present at 
Tahoe for some of those recording. We had a discussion at the time about where 
Maharishi could have obtained his meditation bija-mantras.

My friend and I knew something about mantra sourcing since we were both 
students of a remarkable European Buddhologist at collegetown. However, we only 
had Arthur Avaon and some other works on Tantric mantra. Thus we really 
couldn't determine more at the time.

As far as other individuals are concerned, according to my friend, there was a 
Mr. Barrel Wight present in L.A. in that era. He looked sort of scarry yet 
didn't seem to be speaking much at the time. My friend assumed he was engaging 
in the practice of silence but maybe he was just a stoner. I did know someone 
who liked to shoot smack and then do tm on the down. If I remember correctly 
that person did have a special mantra - hum hum hu mm mm uh uh. However, I 
don't believe his name was Barrel Wight, so it's all a dream to me.

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