--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jan 13, 2009, at 8:00 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
> >>> Yeah, sad that the 'world master of Indian music'
> >>> was so impressed by the money that he recorded
> >>> a series of sixteen albums for meditation for
> >>> the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> >>>
> > Vaj wrote:
> >> It's what I've heard from respected people from
> >> Indian scholars to members of the Shankaracharya
> >> to Ayurvedic physicians who worked with him. For
> >> the historical record, what's most important is
> >> that the facts are on the table and not flowery
> >> accolades from followers postured as actual
> >> historical fact.
> >>
> > So, Vaj, the 'world masters' of Indian music, Pandit
> > Hariprasad Chaurasia, Debu Chaudhuri, and Pandit
> > Shivkumar Sharma, were so impressed by the money from
> > Marshy, that they recorded a series of over twenty
> > albums for the Marshy? That doesn't even make any
> > sense.
> >
> > And the ayervedic pandits, Dr. Dwivedi, Dr. Triguna,
> > and Dr. Balaraj Maharishi, were so impressed with the
> > money from Marshy that they put their pictures on
> > bottles of Marshy 'Amrit Kailash'? Does that make any
> > sense?
> >
> > So, all the pandits were just very smart businessmen?
> > What's wrong with pandits making a little money and
> > getting famous?
> >
> > I guess they could ask for the pictures to be taken
> > off the albums and the bottles. Now that would make
> > sense, if they returned all the money.
> As far as I am aware, the pictures have been removed from the  
> bottles...but I haven't purchased any MAPI products on moral grounds  
> (and for safety reasons) in a while. Since Balraj specifically  
> requested that MMY never use the formulations he kindly shared, out of  
> the kindness of his own heart, for PROFIT, clearly there's a reason  
> these guys wanted nothing to do with Mahesh Varma, the self-proclaimed  
> "Maharishi". I believe his most recent Vaidya, Dr. Mishra, left as well.
> If I was third world musician would I let my music be published for  
> the west at the expense of a Hindu businessman-cum-guru? Sure I would.  
> And then I'd move on...like they all have. It's a sad situation Willy,  
> but don't mire yourself in your own denial.

Since MAPI is owned by a non-profit org, your cliam is misleading, at best.

And, since the latest bottle of MAK on my shelf has the pictures still on it, 
downright false, to boot.

Why am I not surprised?


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