> Even more to the point - considering 6 million jews in the Shoah and 
10-20 million christians in Stalin's democide we can only conclude that 
dead daimons can't kick ass. 
> What's left? Just those little devabijaksharas on Brahmarshi't fan 
> As they say here in mudville ... them is the real it.

You may be underestimating the power and significance of the subatomic 
particles.  They are the basis of the entire universe and the other 
universes outside our own.  These particles may the equivalence of the 
finest level of energies that the Hindus called the devatas.

I've read somewhere that, according to MMY, the juncture between the 
absolute and the relative (or the finest level of matter) is where 
Indra, the king of the devas, resides.

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