On Jan 13, 2009, at 8:32 PM, sparaig wrote:

>> As far as I am aware, the pictures have been removed from the
>> bottles...but I haven't purchased any MAPI products on moral grounds
>> (and for safety reasons) in a while. Since Balraj specifically
>> requested that MMY never use the formulations he kindly shared, out  
>> of
>> the kindness of his own heart, for PROFIT, clearly there's a reason
>> these guys wanted nothing to do with Mahesh Varma, the self- 
>> proclaimed
>> "Maharishi". I believe his most recent Vaidya, Dr. Mishra, left as  
>> well.
>> If I was third world musician would I let my music be published for
>> the west at the expense of a Hindu businessman-cum-guru? Sure I  
>> would.
>> And then I'd move on...like they all have. It's a sad situation  
>> Willy,
>> but don't mire yourself in your own denial.
> Since MAPI is owned by a non-profit org, your cliam is misleading,  
> at best.

If you believe that, that's fine. I tend to not believe criminals and  
their accomplices, esp. ones who hide their monies and offer no  
transparency. YMMV.

Could you please point me to their non-profit accountability  
provisions and WHOM they issue their grants to? What country are they  
incorporated in? Looking at the latest IRS listing, I found a number  
of faux TMO "Non-profit" shelters, but sadly none for Maharishi  
Ayurveda Products International. I'm sure this must be a mistake of  
some kind.

> And, since the latest bottle of MAK on my shelf has the pictures  
> still on it, its
> downright false, to boot.

Great. So they still use the man's likeness whose formulas they stole.  
Another is dead. How noble.

Don't see their pictures on the web site bottles. Are they hidden on  
the back?

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