-This is a form of Neo-Advaitinism, not the Marshy's teachings.

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
<willy...@...> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > They believed Maharishi when he told 
> > them that TM produced enlightenment...
> >
> It's been so long now, that I don't even 
> think you remember what exactly the Marshy 
> said. It's been what, thirty or more years 
> since you even heard the guy speak? 
> According to the Marshy, it is NOT the 
> practice that produces enlightenment. TM 
> simply provides the ideal opportunity for 
> the unfolding. 
> The Light is already there, it's already a 
> given - all you have to do is become aware 
> and receptive. 
> You were born enlightened - the Light needs 
> no other illumination. All you need to do 
> is get rid of your ignorance and let your 
> Light shine. 
> But you are going to get only as much Light 
> as you are going to get - no amount of 
> striving is going to change that.
> "On the level of common sense we INFER that 
> there must be something underlying all 
> activity. We are POSTULATING that at the 
> basis of creation there is an unbounded 
> reservoir of energy and intelligence. 
> Deep at the source of thought is unbounded 
> bliss conciousness. The mind takes that 
> direction spontaneously, not through 
> practice. I am empahasizing the effortlessnes 
> of Transcendental Meditation. 
> It is NOT the practice of taking that 
> direction. NOT THE PRACTICE. It is the 
> nature of the mind to move in a direction 
> of greater happiness. The practice is not 
> needed to reach the goal. 
> The practice is to bring the transcendental 
> conciousness out into activity. The practice 
> establishes a permanent state of unbounded 
> bliss conciousness. I owe all this knowledge 
> to my Master. It is his teaching." 
> Source:
> 'A Promise for the Family of Man'
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> Jones Hall
> Houston, Texas 1972
> Audio tape: MIU Film and Tape Libray
> VHS Video: An Introductory lecture on the 
> Science of Creative Intelligence
> http://mumpress.com/p_n07.html

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